Frankfort IL

EMS Record Request


Patient Care Records

Thank you for contacting the Frankfort Fire Protection District regarding your request for EMS Patient Care Reports. Due to the federally directed Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), requests for records containing protected health information (PHI) must follow a strict process to ensure that the individual requesting the health information is authorized to receive it.

Obtaining a Copy of Medical Records

EMS reports can only be released to the patient or individuals the patient designates with proper documentation. Patients have a number of ways to receive their medical records:

  1. By presenting their picture ID in person at the administrative office of the District, during normal business hours.

  2. By completing the attached HIPPA Realease Form and then submitting the request via email, mail, or fax.

If you are requesting records be released to a third party regarding your own medical transport/EMS report, FFPD requires you to complete the approved HIPPA Realease Form, prior to our releasing the records. Please review the instructions for submission prior to doing so. This form must be completed by the patient or legal guardian to be considered valid and can be returned via email to A photo copy of the patient or the patient’s leagl guardian must accompany the completed form. Acceptable forms of Identification include a state issued driver’s license, state ID card, valid passport, school ID issued by a college or university.

Records listed under a John/Jane Doe, or incorrect information gathered at the time of transport, may take additional time to research.


If you are an insurance company requesting an incident report related to a house or car fire, etc., please utilize Freedom of Information Request Form and include the date of incident and location.


If you are an attorney’s office and need to request information on your client’s behalf, you may direct your client to complete the authorization of release and/or subpoena without deposition. Requests cannot be processed without the proper release authority.

Information will not be released to outside parties, unless ALL criteria has been met.


For parties seeking an invoice related to transport services, or bill from an EMS incident, please contact Andres Medical Billing at 800-244-2345


Frankfort Fire Protection District’s Record’s Department accepts subpoenas via certified mail. Subpoenas for Deposition not received via certified mail may be returned to sender.  Subpoenas sent via certified mail are accepted at:

333 W. Nebraska St. Frankfort IL, 60423