Station 73
24420 S. La Grange Rd. Frankfort, IL 60423
Built in 1994, station 73 was originally the home of Yunker Farm Equipment following its move from Orland Park. The District bought the building and surrounding property in 1998. Remodeling began almost immediately after the acquisition. The building was initially used to host training for Frankfort, Mokena, New Lenox and other are fire departments.
As Frankfort's call volume increased, the need for additional staffing became a priority. The buildng was remodeled to accommodate having members staff the station on a full time basis. The station has undergone several small scale renovations, leading to it's present configuration. The Station currently houses Pumper Tender 73, Ambulance 73, and Brush Truck 73.
In addition to being a staffed fire station, the building continues to be a training center for several agencies in addition to hosting District training. The Illinois State Police, Will County Sheriff, Moraine Valley Community College, Illinois Fire Service Institute, FOOLS, Chicago Fire Department, and several MABAS divisions conduct training at the station.
Several civic groups also use the facility. These include the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Frankfort and Will County Police Cadet programs, Will County 9-1-1, among others.
The station is also the home of the District's Fleet Service Division. Here the mechanic performs services ranging from routine maintenance to extensive repairs on the District's fleet.