Residential Knox Box
Door mounted residential knox box.
You or your love one has fallen, and is in need of assistance. You can reach your phone, and call for help. The fire department responds, and damages your door while making entry into your home. You receive the assistance you were in need of, but now have the cost of repairs to deal with, in addition to the possibility of not being to secure your home for the immediate future.
The Solution...
Now let us experience the same scenario, but equip the residence with a residential Knox Box.
You or your love one has fallen, and is in need of assistance. You can reach your phone, and call for help. The fire department responds, and utilizes your house key which is secured in your door mounted Knox Box to unlock your door. They make entry, and you receive the assistance you were in need of. The fire personnel secure your door by locking it as they exit, and secure the key back in the Knox Box. This results in no damage to your home, and this process can be repeated as necessary.