This QR Code is a link to the EMSMC Patient Portal.
Medical Billing and Record Requests
The Frankfort Fire Protection District has partnered with EMSMC, a leader in the medical records and billing industry. Once a party has been transported to the Emergency Department by our staff, a Patient Care Report is created. A copy of this report accompanies the patient at the Emergency Department. A short period later, the Patient Care Report is securely transmitted to EMSMC. They then begin the process of creating an invoice, and contacting the responsible party. This is based upon the information that was provided to our staff at the time of the incident.
EMSMC, the authorized billing agent for the District utilizes a PO Box located in Wheeling Illinois for the purpose of collecting mail from it’s Chicagoland Clients. A sample invoice appears below.
Patient Portal
EMSMC has a patient portal which allows the patient to:
View their invoice
Make a payment
Submit a signature
Take a survey
Ask a question
The EMSMC Patient Portal can be accessed via the QR Code on this page, or by visiting their website