Frankfort IL


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EMS Transports

Emergency Medical Services

Closest Hospital Transport

The State of Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) requires that we transport to the closest hospital (210 ILCS 50/30.20). We are understanding and compassionate to the fact that many of our residents have developed a comfort level with their personal physicians and/or one of the other area hospitals. With that in mind when situations warrant and are permissible we will make every effort to accommodate requests to go to a facility other than the closest.

Paramedic Policies

If a patient requests transport to a facility other than the nearest hospital, it is required that the Paramedic contact medical control and advise them of the situation.

The emergency room physician will then decide if a bypass to a facility other than the closest is acceptable.

If the physician does not approve the bypass, the patient has the right to refuse transport to the closest hospital but this would be against medical advice. The paramedics may then transport to the hospital requested when all criteria have been met and signatures obtained.

Based upon a number of factors (Patient condition, call volume for the district, staffing levels, road conditions, etc.) we may be able to accommodate requests for patients to be transported to the following facilities: Silver Cross, Olympia Fields, South Suburban, Palos, St. Joe's (Joliet), Ingalls (Harvey), St. Mary's (Kankakee), and Riverside (Kankakee).